Saturday, September 13th, 2025
Elm Park, Worcester, MA

Science Technology Engineering & Math Play

What do children learn from STEM play?

STEM education allows children to develop their communication and problem-solving skills, especially when they are actively encouraged to talk and write about their ideas and observations. This kind of rich educational environment also enables young children to develop concepts through investigative and explorative means.

Get Up Close with the Creepy, the Crawly and the Cute!

Leo Spinner from Skins & Scales, Live Animal Presentation will introduce you to snakes, frogs, lizards, spiders, and tortoises big enough to ride! Experience hands-on learning about these creatures from all around the world!

Hands on Farm and Forest Exploration

We raise environmental stewards and farmers with hands on experiences. Come join for a taste of our farm and forest program at Turn Back Time.

Interactive Nature Table

Learn about local birds. We will help you identify common birds that you can see right from your window in Worcester. We will have bird games, bird scavenger hunts and more!

Math is Everywhere

Children are born mathematicians! Explore fun family math games that will help to inspire your children's natural curiosity about math. Designed by early childhood educators and parents, these games are fun, easy to learn, and freely available. Visit our website at and stop by our booth to play! Brought to you by Young Mathematicians in Worcester.

Motion and Movement in STEM

Come join the Worcester Head Start Program in our activity exploring the physics of movement. Families can experiment with a variety of materials as they fly through a wind tunnel and move down ramps!
11:00am - 3:30pm

New England Botanic Garden

Check out the New England Botanic Garden table where you can make your own environmental crafts and learn more about the environment!
11:00am - 3:00pm

Seed Planting and a Local Snack

The Regional Environmental Council (REC) staff and volunteers will teach children how to plant a seed and send them home with a take home pot! They will also get to taste a piece of local fruit from the farmer's market!
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