Sponsorship Levels
Presenting Sponsor - $10,000 Level
- Your Company Logo featured on all event materials, our monthly newsletter and on a banner that will be hung at Elm Park on the corner of Park Ave. and Highland St.
- Recognition in all media advertisements to include: radio, television, newspaper/magazine, social media, and website.
- Verbal recognition at the event.
- Program advertisement - Back Cover Full Page.
Play Area Sponsor - $5,000 Level
- Your Company Logo featured on all event materials, and your company banner will be featured at the Play Area Location.
- Recognition in all media advertisements to include: radio, television, newspaper/magazine, social media, and website.
- Verbal recognition at the event.
- Program advertisement in Program Book. Full Page.
Activity Sponsor - $2,500 Level
- Your Company Logo featured in the program in the Play Area schedule and Sponsor Recognition Page.
- Recognition on website and in social media.
- Verbal recognition at the event.
- Program advertisement. Half Page.
Contributing Sponsor - $1,000 Level
- Your Company Logo featured in the program on the Sponsor Recognition Page.
- Recognition on website and in social media.
- Program advertisement. Quarter Page.
Supporter - $250-999
- Name in our Program Book
- Recognition on website and in social media.
- Program advertisement. 1/8 Page.
Event Sponsorship Form
Media deadline for sponsorships is August 10th. We cannot guarantee full media coverage of sponsorships and donations received after the deadline. Contact Toni Ostrow at (508) 792-0220 for more information.